Three Attributes that DON'T Make You A Leader
/What makes a leader?
For a long time when people said the word leadership what they meant was management or a business person, a politician, someone in the high-ranking echelon of society. But what is leadership and can anyone be a leader? Let me share with you three attributes today that don’t make you a leader.
A Title
A title doesn’t make you a leader. If you are a manager, President, CEO, etc at your work you might be a leader by default but that title doesn’t mean you will be good at being a leader. Everyone knows someone who worked their way into management at a company but had no more reason to be there than a turtle on a fence post. At the same time, all of us know managers who we believe to be good managers and possibly even leaders. Again a title doesn’t make you a real or successful leader.
More or higher education does not make a person a leader. There are plenty of people out there with master's degrees and PHD who have no more skill being a leader than the Man in the Moon. Education is a tool. What you do with it or how you apply it is called wisdom. Having knowledge or wisdom can be a great asset to the leader but that doesn't not make you a leader.
“At its most basic level, entrepreneurship refers to an individual or a small group of partners who strike out on an original path to create a new business. An aspiring entrepreneur actively seeks a particular business venture and it is the entrepreneur who assumes the greatest amount of risk associated with the project. As such, this person also stands to benefit most if the project is a success.”-
However, an entrepreneur is not necessarily a leader or a good leader. They might be creative, imaginative, or know how the market works but leadership aspires to something else entirely.
A title doesn’t make you a leader; education doesn’t, experience doesn’t, and being an entrepreneur doesn’t. “Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” —John C. Maxwell. Next week we will take a look at Biblically what gives the Christian the ability and power to be a great leader.
Veena. “What Is Entrepreneurship? | Stanford Online.” Stanford Online, 6 Sept. 2023,