Dinner Party


Everyone Needs a Little Reality. Jesus said He was the bread of life. Is this the case for your life? Do you have faux faith? Is Jesus your nourishment or are you validated by your social media presence and comparison to others? Is God's favor in your life represented by a "sale at the mall" or is it expressed by showing love to others? Meet Randy and Lily ordinary people who are so wrapped up in social media and the lives of others that they have forgotten to focus on the reality of life Jesus Christ. May I present to you Dinner Party!

Lost Heritage is an 8-minute documentary short film on our mission trip. Armenia and Georgia are perhaps forgotten nations by America and the West. They however have a strong heritage and a tradition of Christian faith. But their faith has become just that, a tradition and more of an ethnic identification. We partnered with long-time missionaries Bobby Mills and Jacob Pursely to see how we can minister the truth of Jesus Christ once more to the Armenians and Georgians.

This is a short film on the topic of legacy. Real people giving real thoughts and feelings on Legacy. What is a legacy? How do you obtain or pass on a good legacy? Can you change a "bad" legacy?

This is one womans journey through the pain of an abusive father and home life and the rejection and lack of self worth that she felt. It is a story of hidei...

Here is a link to our YouTube Channel. Imprint International.

The gripping true account of Clinton Becker known to many as the Honest Car Guy. A tragic story of drug abuse, manipulation, a spiraling criminal lifestyle, and his heart's desire for acceptance and belonging. But it is also a story of the depths of God's forgiveness and redemption as he transformed Clinton from a liar and manipulator to honesty and a person of integrity.