Transformational Leadership. Part 3: The Buck Stops Here
/There is a saying in America. “The Buck Stops Here” In other words the responsibility begins and ends with me. U.S. president Harry S. Truman had a sign on his desk with 'The buck stops here' inscribed on it. This was meant to indicate that he didn't 'pass the buck', he didn’t pass the responsibility to anyone else; but accepted personal responsibility for the way the country was governed.
The buck doesn’t stop with your spouse, your partners work it out.The buck doesn’t stop with your children. You're the parent you mange the family. The buck doesn’t stop with your team. The team is only as strong as their leader empowers them to be. Don’t pass the buck onto others. The Buck stops with you.
Many people across the globe have a victim mentality. “I act this way because I didn’t have a good upbringing. I think this way because my parents failed me. I do this thing because this tragedy happened to me.” Fill in the blank. Guess what? Everyone has something that they can make as an excuse. They don’t have enough education. They don’t have enough experience. They have the wrong color of skin. They were born in the wrong neighborhood, or country. Their people were mistreated. There are plenty of excuses, what are you going to do about it?
People say, “We’ll it’s not my job. It’s not my fault. It’s not my problem.” Who is going to come and fix it for you? The Truth is that there are no excuses, and the truth always sets you free. Leaders don’t focus on excuses and problems. Leaders focus on and think through solutions. Everyone has had bad things happen to them. But everyone is given a few opportunities too. Which one will you let rule your life, your family, your company; your excuses or your opportunities?
Great leaders forge an attitude of perseverance.
The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
-Psalm 37:23 NLT
Great leaders are always growing and moving forward. They don’t stop being the better part of themselves. Be committed to the Lord to direct your path. He will guide and direct you if you will let Him. Let Him develop you and grow you. Be committed to development and knowledge, growing skills, and cultivate good attitudes. This leads us into the Push Step.