Two Keys to Finding Your Voice and delivering Your Message
/As Christian leaders empowered by the Spirit, we are stewards of the most transformative message in history. The world's hope is found in Jesus Christ, and salvation is solely attainable through His grace. We are commissioned to share this message with the world, a task we approach with dedication at Imprint International. To effectively witness and deliver this message, two critical elements are required: credibility and adding value to others.
Credibility, as discussed in John Maxwell's 'The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication,' is rooted in consistently living out our message. The mantra 'People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it,' coined by Simon Sinek, highlights the importance of authenticity. John Maxwell says, “Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them out day after day.”
The second key involves adding value to others by embracing a balanced approach that values people and avoids extreme or diluted messages. This approach enhances credibility and prepares hearts to receive the gospel.