BACK IN THE BOX: Servant and Steward Leadership
/Treasure on earth.
There is a passage in Matthew where Jesus teaches us to build up the kingdom of heaven and not any one person’s ego. Jesus says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven...For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21, ESV).
John Ortberg gives an example of his childhood lesson. He played Monopoly with his grandmother, and when he finally became good enough to win, he felt great. But the lesson is, after the game ends, all of the properties, upgrades, and money are won; it all goes back into the box (Blanchard, 2012). That is what Jesus is teaching us in Matthew chapter six. If we build a reputation here, investing in status, power, and material comforts, it will all go to waste.
There is an important lesson here for leaders: not to be self-centered or self-serving but to serve. Rodin (2011) writes about the importance of decreasing ourselves so that Christ may increase. In doing so, he is saying that it is essential for leaders to surrender to Christ’s authority, power, and influence instead of exerting our influence over others. Leadership is a gift from God that can be given and taken away. God is looking for leaders who are humble, teachable, and of good character. However, God also removes the gift of leadership when leaders lose sight of what is essential, like King Saul, the first king of Israel. Jesus came to teach us how to be good leaders by serving us, but he also taught us to be good stewards. Servants do what they are instructed; a steward takes possession and responsibility for whatever is in their charge. The steward is responsible for growing and developing who is under their authority and then giving it back to the owner. As leaders, we are called to be good stewards, growing and developing new leaders.
How does stewardship fit in your description of leadership?
Blanchard, K. (2012, December 30). Lead Like Jesus. YouTube.
English Standard Version Bible. (2023). Olive Tree Bible Study Tools.
Rodin, R. S. (2011). Becoming a Steward Leader of No Reputation. Stewardship Ministries.