Uplifting Others: From Butterfly Leadership
/Jesus loved the poor. He freely gave out an abundance of food in more than one scripture in the Bible. He loved the sick and lame by healing them. He associated with those who were outcasts. He loved the working class by making many of his disciples. He elevated the status of women and children in the Bible. He honored the sinful woman who anointed his feet with oil. Her story is forever in the Word of God in all four Gospels. He said that for anyone who harms these little ones, it would be better for you to have a millstone hung about your neck and thrown into the sea.
He valued the rich by coming to banquets and answering their questions. He valued and honored authority, “give unto Caesars what is Caesars and unto God what is God’s.” Jesus took the time to value all who came to Him by faith. Jesus’s focus was to build the Kingdom of God and not His own ambition. When the devil offered Him the kingdoms of the world ( ambition ), Jesus refused and rebuked him. Everything Jesus did was focused on raising the Kingdom of God.
I have a question for you. What is the result of your ambition? To be a team leader? To be CEO? To be president? To be on the board? But to get there, how do you treat the entry-level people? Are they stepping stones for your journey up? Do you ignore the janitor? Do you see them as a person or tool for getting a job done? How do you treat the intern? Are they your servant as you dominate them, an obstacle to overcome to the top?
Are you creating positivity and adding value to your co-workers? How do you treat that person who tries your patience? How do you treat your enemy or the person you perceive as your enemy? Are you creating value in your family? Are you creating value in your friends?
Excerpt from Butterfly Leadership. Now available on https://www.imprintinternational.com/books-for-sale
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