Spirit Led Leadership
/Leadership, at its core, is a divine partnership with God, guided by the Holy Spirit. God, in His wisdom, assesses a person's character before bestowing them with the tools, authority, and influence to lead others.
Spirit-led leaders are not chosen based on worldly criteria such as position, status, education, or resources, but rather on the purity and sincerity of their hearts.
When Christians actively pursue their relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit in them produces Christ-like fruit. Love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, and self-control make up the characteristics of Christ and are one fruit. Each aspect makes the character traits of spirit-empowered leaders. One that stands out is long-suffering or patience. Leaders must face challenges that require the Holy Spirit to cover them in grace. The Apostle Paul cried out for help, and the answer he received was that God's grace is sufficient (Voight, 1988, p. 44). Another example is Caesar Nero's palace servants, who were Christians serving the very man who persecuted Christians (Voight, 1988, p. 45). Voight reasons that even when trials arise, the Holy Spirit allows us to be joyful and victorious.
An example of the Holy Spirit's leading happened just before 2020. In December, the Chinese police were raiding underground churches. Our group had taken extreme measures to ensure we stayed under the radar. However, fear tried to set in when we heard the police were checking every business in the building where we held services. There was no escape, so we all sat quietly and prayed. The police never came to our conference room, and we had one of the best meetings of the year. The Holy Spirit covered us in grace, and we victoriously triumphed over the spirit of fear.
What is an example you can think of where the fruit of the spirit empowered you to rise above your fears?
Voight, R. G. (1988). The Complete Perfect Salvation in Christ Jesus. Oral Roberts University.