Two Keys to the Road of Influence
/Group of friends
Leadership is influence. If you aren’t influencing others you are not leading anyone. How does the Christian create influence in a world that does not know or love Christ? Jesus gave us the answer: the straight and narrow life is the key to influencing others’ lives.
Love and Value All People. The Bible tells us that God sent Christ into the World because He loved the whole world—the Jew, the Gentile, those close to Him, and those who are far off. ( John 3:16-17 ) Jesus died for people you don’t like as much as He died for you. If you want to influence others walk in love as Jesus walked. ( John 13:35 ) Make a point to value others and you will gain favor and influence with them. You might even lead them to Jesus! People will follow people who value people. When you abuse others or use them you will never have an authentic influence on their lives. Have a ‘value others’ mindeset today.
Be Authentic. Be authentic with others to lead them. Don’t wear a mask. If you get egg on your face, admit it, apologize, and correct your words or actions. Jesus called out the hypocrites of his day. He modeled honesty and authenticity with others. He never wavered in his true nature. He represented the Father God in all He did and said. ( John 5:19-20 ) He loved everyone at all times even when it was inconvenient. He didn’t come with an attitude though He had rights as the Son of God. He never put on a mask or charade but was the exhibit of the Love of God on display in word, deed and miracle power.