Two Keys to the Road of Influence

Group of friends

Leadership is influence. If you aren’t influencing others you are not leading anyone. How does the Christian create influence in a world that does not know or love Christ? Jesus gave us the answer: the straight and narrow life is the key to influencing others’ lives.

  1. Love and Value All People. The Bible tells us that God sent Christ into the World because He loved the whole world—the Jew, the Gentile, those close to Him, and those who are far off. ( John 3:16-17 ) Jesus died for people you don’t like as much as He died for you. If you want to influence others walk in love as Jesus walked. ( John 13:35 ) Make a point to value others and you will gain favor and influence with them. You might even lead them to Jesus! People will follow people who value people. When you abuse others or use them you will never have an authentic influence on their lives. Have a ‘value others’ mindeset today.

  2. Be Authentic. Be authentic with others to lead them. Don’t wear a mask. If you get egg on your face, admit it, apologize, and correct your words or actions. Jesus called out the hypocrites of his day. He modeled honesty and authenticity with others. He never wavered in his true nature. He represented the Father God in all He did and said. ( John 5:19-20 ) He loved everyone at all times even when it was inconvenient. He didn’t come with an attitude though He had rights as the Son of God. He never put on a mask or charade but was the exhibit of the Love of God on display in word, deed and miracle power.

Who Are You Following?

Every leader at some time or another is a follower of someone. That leader might be being groomed or mentored but they are a follower.

Choose wisely, who you are following.

Who are you learning from? What voices are you permitting into your life? Not every voice deserves a microphone or podium in your life. We all watch YouTube and listen to podcasts. Who is influencing you?

This world is in dire need of leadership. Look at the coming American elections, the lines could not be more starkly contrasted. Your vote will decide on two vastly different Americas. Look at the state of the American church. If Paul were alive today the church would be getting a harsh letter. Friends we need better leadership. The world is starving for it. Who are you following, that will help determine your leadership?

The State

What’s your political party? What politician do you listen to? Don’t just follow the “Party line”. We have seen political parties shift drastically over time. Don’t be spoon-fed by a political party. What kind of school do you want for your children? Who is leading them? What influencers are influencing the school boards? Educate your children not to accept whatever comes across their desks. Get involved in your child’s education.

The Church

Read this quote by C.S. Lewis. Does your church sound like this quote?

It is easy to think that the Church has a lot of different objects—education, building, missions, holding services. Just as it is easy to think the State has a lot of different objects—military, political, economic, and what not. But in a way things are much simpler than that. The State exists simply to promote and to protect the ordinary happiness of human beings in this life. A husband and wife chatting over a fire, a couple of friends having a game of darts in a pub, a man reading a book in his own room or digging in his own garden—that is what the State is there for. And unless they are helping to increase and prolong and protect such moments, all the laws, parliaments, armies, courts, police, economics, etc., are simply a waste of time. In the same way the Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any other purpose.-C.S. Lewis

Is your church preaching the Bible? Are they leading people to Jesus through repentance? Do they support missions? Do they want you to grow in the Lord? If not…you may need to find a church that does. Who are you following?

Move from Good to Great

Transform from good to great.

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great”-
— John D. Rockafellar.

The first process of leadership is to lead yourself. Learn to lead yourself. If you can’t lead yourself, then how can you have the capacity or the ability to lead others? This starts by loving yourself. Jesus told us to love others as we love ourselves. ( Luke 10:27 ) God values you enough to send His Son to die on the cross for you. Loving yourself is understanding that God loves and values you, so you, too, should consider yourself valuable because you are loved by Him. Some might mistake this for pride, the root of all sin. This is not an act of pride; if it were, Christ would not command it. Here’s the truth: the world needs Jesus, the Hope of Glory in you!

God is calling you, will you answer? How to Transform:

Romans 12:2 KJV- And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world. Don’t conform to how the world acts, talks, and thinks. Don’t conform to the sins that so easily entangle you. Don’t conform to a victim mentality. Victim mentality is a bondage of the devil.

Spirit Led Leadership: Adaptable Leadership

The most excellent leaders are those who can adapt to situations, understand the needs of the organization and followers, and create value by serving those who follow.

Daft (2018) has laid out several leadership models and theories. He compares leaders to managerial styles, characteristics of an individual, and how they fit together. A significant difference Daft (2018) mentions between leaders and managers is that leaders inspire and empower while managers dictate and direct. Leaders can be managers, and managers can adapt to various leadership styles. One particular leadership style that stands out is called servant leadership. Servant leadership allows others to grow, create, and expand their influence while those in authority serve and provide opportunities for them to flourish. Instead of leaders being too authoritative, they form a partnership with their followers, working with them to make decisions, rewarding those who contribute over those in position, and leading teams to build the organization (Daft, 2018, p. 178). Our ultimate example of servant leadership is Jesus; however, Robert Wood Johnson, Fred Keller, and Robert Greenleaf are a few examples of modern-day servant leaders.

The best managers I have worked under are the ones who push up their sleeves and dive into the trenches with their employees. I have witnessed this in my career as a trauma nurse, a teacher, and a pastor. When I see my leaders take on tasks beneath them to help the team, it builds higher respect for them and creates more value in the lower positions. A company can only grow as strong as the weakest link, and for me, when I have seen leaders serving the team, it has improved morale and increased value within the group. Now, as pastor, it is my turn to create value and serve the congregation's people.

What type of leader inspires you to be better? 


Daft, R. L. (2018). The Leadership Experience (Seventh). Cengage Learning.