The Leadership of Queen Esther: 5 Day Free Devotional E-Book
The Leadership of Queen Esther: 5 Day Free Devotional E-Book
The Bible shares the accounts of many great men of old who were great Godly leaders. In this free 5-day ebook we will be discussing the powerful leadership skills of Queen Esther. The true power of Queen Esther was not in her beauty. Esther’s strength wasn’t in her beauty or charm but in her humility and reliance on the Hand of God. It is her leadership that saved the children of Israel.
She led the people to fast and pray. She sought the counsel and wisdom of her uncle and she sought the wisdom and favor from the Lord.
She demonstrated faith and boldness. She prepared herself to talk to the king.
She put a plan in motion and carried it out.
Strong leadership demonstrated in humility and boldness; not just her good looks and charm procured the results her people needed and the world needed for salvation.